venerdì 12 gennaio 2018

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Do Mr Schülz is not exactly my favorite SPD politician, he is right wenn he advocate that we need the USE (United States of Europe)

The only solution I do see for Europe is a Confederation in USA style, where every State is responsible for his own wealth.

Let me go a little bit further than this: Far from any rhetoric I blandly say that a new Alliance between CDU/CSU and SPD will go nowhere.

Such a Government will be nothing else but warmed up unsalted Polenta.

The postwar Germany Born with Konrad Adenauer and guided from Statesman like Willy Brand, Helmut Schmidt and Helmut Kohl, most End with Angela Merkel, or as I call her: Super Big Mama Angelina.

In the past Years we have noticed a strong nationalistic influence of the Bavarian CSU Party disturbing the Internal and external Affairs of the German Government.

We have noticed how just only 6,2% of CSU Voters nearly or actually Blackmailed Chancellor Merkel and fomented disguise not only in Berlin but also in the European Union.

It is my unconditioned Creed that neither Germany nor Europe cam continue to effort to have Bavarian nationalism in the German Government.

Therefore I do advocate for a clear Split of the Partnership CDU/CSU.

It is time that the German constituency stops hiding Behind the CDU/CSU and takes a neat and clear stand on his own Future, with new Elections.

This is the only way Germany and Europe have to find out if the Postwar Germany has grown out of a new kind of Nationalism and if the real Bundesrepublik Deutschland will be Born, has a real and sure Leader of the United States Of Europe.

Il “Gargamel” della politica tedesca e senz’altro il Presidente della Baviera Horst Seehofer (CSU) 

Esattamente come il malefico uomo nero dei Puffi sidetto Horst Seehofer coadiuvato da tutta una sfilza di nazionalisti bavaresi mischia e rimischia a piacere le carte in tavola della politica di Berlino e dell’UE. 

Lo stallo politico che si è venuto a creare dopo le recenti elezioni nazionali in Germania ci dimostra quanto sia pericoloso avere alleanze con minoranze politiche giusto per restare al potere. 

Il 6,2% dell’elettorato tedesco in gran parte bavarese, che vota CSU, vale a dire circa 3,5 milioni di persone aventi diritto al voto; ricatta Berlino e l’Unione Europea. 

Chi arriva troppo tardi è punito dalla Storia. Sentenziò il Presedente russo Gorbaciov.   
Chi, come Hort Seehofer e i suoi “Bravi” crede di potere ricattare la Germania e l’Unione Europea e imporre le proprie idee e dottrine nazionaliste praticamente anche al Mondo intero, sarà distrutto e finirà nel letamaio della Storia.

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