Dopo aver sentito ieri sera: Delrio e poi Saviano sulla 7; ho capito che l'Italia si sta
L'Italia attuale; è un non-Stato in mano a dei farabutti e mafiosi che si definiscono
di Sinistra, dove la popolazione dei beoti e divisa tra manzoniani; leccaculi
und fessacchiotten.
Saviano ieri sera invocava per l’Italia
milioni di afro –arabi e magrebini per salvare l’Italia da una popolazione in
via di estinzione volontaria.
Sapientemente messo in scena da dei veri stregoni dello spettacolo,
sembrava il Messia durante la predica della montagna.
Avete veramente notato la coreografia che gli è stata data?
Manco al Presidente della Repubblica è riservata un’inquadratura simile.
Vedendo la messa in scena, ma soprattutto pesando ogni parola che Saviano
diceva anch'io ho pensato che un Paese cosi; con roba e gente simile fa
veramente vomitare .
Quanto si sia intascato per quei pochi minuti non lo so, sicuramente poi pero
se n'è ritornato a New York con la sua scorta di guardie del corpo; che voi sciocchi
naturalmente pagate; nel suo suntuoso attico a Manhattan in quel di New York.
Voi, poveretti invece; quando le vostre donne vanno a far la spesa, pregate
Iddio che ritornino a casa tutte un pezzo o per ben che vada, nessun afro
-arabo o magrebino portatore di una nuova cultura e stile di vita, le violenti.
Mo' ditemi: Secondo voi un popolo che si comporta come quello italiano odierno;
ha una ragione di esistere o un futuro?
Io dico di no!
O meglio detto l’unico futuro che un Popolo come quello che attualmente
occupa la Penisola Italiana,
non si merita altro che i vari Saviano, Delrio, la Kyenge e la boldrina und
i vari Vendola e Grasso.
PS: Spero proprio che Conte disdica la sua visita a Parigi, dovesse andarci
ora, dopo che “Macron le fanfaron” ha insultato l’Italia in un modo cosi
francesemente sporco e cinico, be allora sarebbe veramente da vomitare.
In quanto alla Spagna, penso che sia molto meglio che stia zitta, sappiamo
che cosa succede a Ceuta e Medina dove gli afro –arabi e i magrebini che
cercano di scavalcare ile barriere di filo spinato sono presi a fucilate con
pallottole di gomma come ben sappiamo dello spietato comportamento della Guardia Costiera spagnola nello Stretto
di Gibilterra e nel Mare di Alborán.
January 24, 2010
African Heroes
WHEN I was
a teenager here, kids used to shoot dogs in the head. It was a way of gaining
confidence with a gun, of venting your rage on another living creature. Now it
seems human beings are used for target practice.
This month,
rioting by African immigrants broke out in Rosarno, in southern Italy, after at
least one immigrant was shot with an air rifle. The riots were widely portrayed
as clashes between immigrants and native Italians, but they were really a
revolt against the ’Ndrangheta, the powerful Calabrian mafia. Anyone who seeks
to negate or to minimize this motive is not familiar with these places where
everything — jobs, wages, housing — is controlled by criminal organizations.
The episode
in Rosarno was the second such uprising against organized crime in Italy in the
last few years. The first took place in 2008 in Castel Volturno, a town near
Naples, where hit men from the local mob, the Camorra, killed six Africans. The
massacre was intended to intimidate, but it set off the immigrants’ anger
In Castel
Volturno, the immigrants work in construction. In Rosarno, they pick oranges.
But in both places the mafias control all economic activity. And the only ones
who’ve had the courage to rebel against them are the Africans.
immigrant who lands in France or Britain knows he’ll have to abide by the law,
but he also knows he’ll have real and tangible rights. That’s not how it is in
Italy, where bureaucracy and corruption make it seem as if the only guarantees
are prohibitions and mafia rule, under which rights are nonexistent. The mafias
let the African immigrants live and work in their territories because they make
a profit off them. The mafias exploit them, but also grant them living space in
abandoned areas outside of town, and they keep the police from running too many
checks or repatriating them.
immigrants are temporarily willing to accept peanut wages, slave hours and poor
living conditions. They’ve already handed over all they owned, risked all they
had, just to get to Italy. But they came to make a better life for themselves —
and they’re not about to let anyone take the possibility of that life away.
There are
native Italians who reject mafia rule as well, but they have the means and the
freedom to leave places like Rosarno, becoming migrants themselves. The
Africans can’t. They have to stand up to the clans. They know they have to act
collectively, for it’s their only way of protecting themselves. Otherwise they
end up getting killed, which happens sometimes even to the European immigrant
It’s a
mistake to view the Rosarno rioters as criminals. The Rosarno riots were not
about attacking the law, but about gaining access to the law.
There are
African criminals of course, African mafiosi, who do business with the Italian
mafias. An increasing amount of the cocaine that arrives here from South
America comes via West Africa. African criminal organizations are amassing
enormous power, but the poor African workers in Italy are not their men.
The Italian
state should condemn the violence of the riots, but if it treats the immigrants
as criminals, it will drive them to the mafias. After the Rosarno riots, the
government moved more than a thousand immigrants to detention centers,
allegedly for their own safety, and destroyed the rudimentary camp where many
of them had lived. This is the kind of reaction that will encourage those
immigrants to see the African criminal organizations as necessary protection.
For now,
the majority resist; they came to Italy to better themselves, not to be
mobsters. But if the Africans in Rosarno had been organized at a criminal
level, they would have had a way to negotiate with the Calabrian Mafia. They
would have been able to obtain better working and living conditions. They
wouldn’t have had to riot.
Italy is a
country that’s forgotten how its emigrants were treated in the United States,
how the discrimination they suffered was precisely what allowed the Mafia to
take root there. It was extremely difficult for many Italian immigrants, who
did not feel protected or represented by anyone else, to avoid the clutches of
the mob. It’s enough to remember Joe Petrosino, the Italian-born New York City
police officer who was murdered in 1909 for taking on the Mafia, to recognize the
price honest Italians paid.
come to Italy to do jobs Italians don’t want to do, but they have also begun
defending the rights that Italians are too afraid, indifferent or jaded to
defend. To those African immigrants I say: don’t go — don’t leave us alone with
the mafias.
Saviano is the author of “Gomorrah: A Personal Journey Into the Violent
International Empire of Naples’ Organized Crime System.” This essay was
translated by Virginia Jewiss from the Italian.